Now, that podcast has been replaced by the Judge John Hodgman podcast, available through iTunes or this feed. It's part of the Maximum Fun family of podcasts.

Here is a frequently updated list of the episodes (and evidence) to date:
- Is Chili a Soup? (note that this episode is just a part of a "Jordan, Jesse, Go!" podcast installment and is NOT available as part of the Judge John Hodgman podcast) - Download mp3
- Dish Soap or Hand Soap? - mp3
- Are Machine Guns Robots? - mp3
- Tear Down That Wall - Breaking The Fourth Wall, Yea or Nay? - mp3 (This is one of my favorites.)
- The Long-Necked Custody Battle - mp3 - video evidence
- The Lovely Couple - mp3
- The Lion's Den - mp3 - photographic evidence
- To Tree Or Not To Tree - mp3
- The Parenthetical Petition - mp3
- The Cone-tractual Dispute - mp3 - accompanying photographic evidence
- The Case of the Youthful Indiscretions - mp3 - accompanying photographic evidence
- You Say Martucci, I Say Martucci - mp3
- The Tahitian Take-Out - mp3 - photographic evidence
- Snob V. Slob - mp3 - photographic evidence
- Sesame Street Justice - mp3
- The Potluck Problem - mp3
- Parents Just Don't Understand - mp3
- The Colbert Rapport - mp3 - photos of the complainants
- The Ironman Trial-Athlon - mp3
- An Appeel-ate Case Decision - mp3 - The one about banana peeling
- You Say Tomato, I Say Justice - mp3 - The other one about pronunciation
- Tips, Tricks, and Justice - mp3 - Hodgman's Twitter summary: "Two gamers debate cheating with @morganwebb while I play colecovision." This is the episode where Hodgman talked about the George Plimpton's Video Falconry ColecoVision game. You can now watch the resurrected TV ad on YouTube.
- Arby's-tration - mp3 (Do cab rides and drive-throughs mix? Judge John Hodgman decides.)
- The Bedroom Three-way - mp3 - floorplans and relevant photographic evidence
- The Girlfriend and the Grasshopper - mp3 - photographic evidence and written testimony
- The Toot Dispute - mp3
- The Friendship Inquest - mp3 - The one about social networking
- The Battle of the Baton - mp3 - The one about the couple where the wife gets annoyed by the husband's faux classical musical conducting
- Justice is Out There - mp3 - The one about keeping action figures in their original packaging - [The guy in this one convinced me of his position with just four words.]
- Ob-Law-Di, Ob-Law-Da - mp3 - The one about the Beatles - [Repeat Offender Alert: These guys have appeared before in a "clearing the dockets" segment.]
- Garbage Man and Wife - mp3 - The one about taking out garbage - Starring Metafilter's mathowie in a special Minor Celebrity edition of the Judge John Hodgman podcast.
- The Cow Beef - mp3 - The one about the cow-obsessed dad - photographic evidence
- Hors d'oeuvres in the Court - mp3 - The one about bribing children to eat food
- De Plane - mp3 - The one about the correct protocol for filing out of an airplane [Correct answer: Maximize flow rate by fast people slipping into small openings and slow people waiting for longer ones. "Row-by-row" is inefficient.]
- Unbanded Brothers - mp3 - The one with the boisterous, buzz-marketing, bickering brother band.
- Beard Science - mp3 - The one with the college friends who played "beard chicken".
- Panta-Lunacy - mp3 - The one where Broadway show performers debate ownership of a pair of pants.
- Pepperoni Pauper - mp3 - The one where the girlfriend is embarrassed that her boyfriend sifts through discarded pizza boxes.
- Slash-Friction - mp3 - The debate over what constitutes a horror movie.
- The Abuse of Flower Power - mp3 - Domestic dispute between lesbians living in a storage facility.
- Out of REC-order - mp3 - The one where the guy asks his friend to DVR things for him, but then never watches them.
- Driving Miss Drowsy - mp3 - The one with the guys who drove from Santa Cruz to Brooklyn, where one claims to have experienced "car lag" symptoms due to shifting time zones.
- Triple Word Scorn - mp3 - The one about playing Scrabble online. This one also contains a highly recommended docket-clearing segment in which Hodgman addresses the question of what makes something "ironic".
- The Bedding Crasher - mp3
- Apocalypse Row - mp3 - The one where people sort of argue over what to do when civilization collapses and whether taking over the closest Wal-Mart is the soundest strategy.
- The Clap Trap - mp3 - The one about whether a band should encourage its audience to clap along with its songs.
- The Carry On Carryings On - mp3 - The one in which sisters debate whether about whether short people should be allowed to carry on bags bound for the over-the-seat luggage compartment.
- The Wonderful, Terrible, Terrible Towel Trouble - mp3
- The Master's Disaster - mp3
- Double Dog Dare - mp3
Back to the JJH episode list
Posts about all the individual Judge John Hodgman podcasts are available at Maximum Fun: And here is the feed where you can get more JJH.
Other Judge John Hodgman appearances:
Hodgman is currently seeking disputes in need of judging from people attending the Solid Sound Festival in western Massachusetts this June. See his blog entry for more details and for how to contact him.
The SPECIAL, MARITIME LAW EDITION OF JUDGE JOHN HODGMAN from the JoCo Cruise [January 2011] includes the following segments: Seasonal Music vs. Christmas Music:
Brown Gravy vs. Cream Gravy:
And then there is this weird uncategorized encounter between Judge John Hodgman and Famous Tracy (still on the JoCo cruise), included for JJH completeness:
For now, that is all.
[This post has been updated a zillion times.]