New York Times Magazine articles:
Ron Moore's Deep Space Journey - on Battlestar Galactica, primarily the new version of the TV show - by John HodgmanMr. Invisible - profile of Kerry Conran and his movie "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" - by John Hodgman
Ayn Rand in Spades by John Hodgman
Crossover: The Musical by John Hodgman
The Haunting - article about horror films - by John Hodgman
Susanna Clarke's Magic Book - an article about Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell: A Novel
All Shaken Up - profile of Dr. Cocktail, the world's only cocktail archeologist - by John Hodgman
- Bonus follow-up blog post on Dr. Cocktail:
“Finally,” Haigh continued, “Hodgman decides he wants to write a nice article for the New York Times Magazine about—me! He came out to Burbank, I had him over to the house, plied him with liquor and so forth. The interview took three days. And at some point I tell him, ‘I’m getting a book published,’ which he knew because, unbeknownst to me, he’s the one who had recommended me to the publishers! John Hodgman was the real impetus for getting me published, really published. The book had been percolating for about ten years before that, but Hodgman was instrumental, just instrumental.”
- Also, here is the newly revised and not out-of-print version of Doc Cocktail's book: Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails: From the Alamagoozlum to the Zombie 100 Rediscovered Recipes and the Stories Behind Them
Antony Finds His Voice - where Antony is a British musician - by John Hodgman
The Bard of Omaha - a profile of Alexander Payne, writer and director of Election and About Schmidt - by John Hodgman
THE YEAR IN IDEAS: A TO Z.; The Game That Plays You - a short article about Alternate Reality Games - by John Hodgman
Hodgman's comic book reviews
ComicsSummer Reading - Comics - review of several comics compilations
Comics Chronicles
Comics Chronicle
"Do you wanna see a great new comic strip?" Charlie Brown asks Patty, running up with a distinctively oblong sheet of drawing paper. "It's about these two guys in an office, see?" he explains. "One guy offers the other guy this piece of English toffee, see? Then this other guy says, 'Thank you very much. I'll eat this during toffee-break!' Get it?"
But Patty just stares, her mouth one of those Charles Schulzian unadorned lines, the shortest distance between befuddlement and contempt. Charlie Brown walks away, the comic strip over his shoulder. "There's nothing worse than being 50 years ahead of your time," he says. That was in 1957, and even then comic strips got no respect.
Also Hodgman gives a good review of the massive The Complete Calvin & Hobbes set.
Comics: Righteousness in Tights
CHRONICLE COMICS; No More Wascally Wabbits - by John Hodgman
Up Front - meta bit in which the Times admits that Hodgman is their senior comics correspondent